Anthony Kwok's Website

Cybersecurity Enthusiast and Aspiring Computerphile

Who am I

I am currently a Senior attending at UIUC (graduating December 2021). Currently I am majoring in Information Science. I'm an aspiring computerphile

My hobbies are hacking, building computers, traveling, reading, and learning new things. I enjoy the outdoors and love going to new places.

My motto is "Don't judge anyone for there's always something someone can judge about you

The quote I live by is "Patience is a virtue, compassion is a gift, love is a trial, silence is gold, forgiveness is peace"

I came up with this quote when I was at one of the lowest points in my life. It is not only a symbol but also a reminder of who I once was

My slogan/meme is "Hippity Hoppity, the Internet is my property". It is a reminder that Cybersecurity will always hold a place in my heart.



What I have been up to

PC That I Custom Built


In my spare time, I love to build, fix, repair, and troubleshoot computers.
I custom built this one for a friend. It costs $2000 USD.


Network Security Analyst

I'm a Cybersecurity enthusiast. I am proud to currently work with the
Cybersecurity and Networking Division at NCSA


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Contact Me

(For résumé inquiries or anything else)

Champaign IL, US

Phone: +1-773-657-2526
